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2024 ANNUAL REPORT - Reproductive Health Network Kenya
Our impact in 2024 was one characterized with growth and resilience amidst the shifing global politcal leadership on Sexual and Reproductve Health and Rights (SRHR) that is bound to bring signifcant changes to the SRHR funding landscape by infuencing internatonal aid and domestc policies.
For general population
2023 ANNUAL REPORT - Reproductive Health Network Kenya
RHNK has over 600 trained healthcare providers who include gynaecologists, doctors, nurses, midwives and clinical officers in 44 counties of Kenya. RHNK also has a wing of over 200 trained youth advocates drawn from various counties in Kenya.
For general population
Self-care for health and well-being is increasingly being recognized as a key component of a strong health system. A growing number of countries are taking strides to adapt, adopt, and implement national self-care guidelines, following the launch of the WHO Consolidated Guideline on Self-Care Interventions for Health in 2019. Guideline development and policy development in general can often be a lengthy process. But it doesn’t have to be when the conditions are right, and the commitment is there
A Qualitative Review
Documentation of selfcare pilot activities in Bungoma County
The Kenya Government through the Division of Reproductive Health developed the Guidelines on Self-care in Reproductive Health and signed them off for use in May 2023. The Government of Bungoma County however allowed partners to pilot the Self-care (SC) activities from July 2022 as the guidelines were being finalized.
Training booklet for Providers
A Gender Transformative Approach to Safe Abortion
A Gender Transformative Approach or GTA for short is a type of gender lens that can be applied to any kind of work. It is particularly relevant to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) as gender and sexuality are closely connected. The goal of a GTA is to reduce gender bias and their underlying unequal power relations. It ultimately aims to transform negative gender norms and power imbalance into positive norms and equity that is where the “transformative” comes from.
Training booklet for Providers
Engage Men and Boys in the Approach to Safe Abortion
Often when we talk about SRHR and gender, we talk about women. In safe abortion service provision this no different. However, engaging men and boys is crucial; on the one hand they can play a positive and supportive role as (sexual partner) and on the other hand men and boys often the main contributor of negative health outcomes that girls and women face including unintended pregnancies.
For general population
2022 ANNUAL REPORT - Reproductive Health Network Kenya
RHNK has over 600 trained healthcare providers who include gynaecologists, doctors, nurses, midwives and clinical officers in 44 counties of Kenya. RHNK also has a wing of over 200 trained youth advocates drawn from various counties in Kenya.